There’s an interesting relationship between bravery and serendipity.
It wasn’t until 15 minutes ago that I found out what serendipity means.
I understand what the meaning says but I’m not sure I get it.
I am hoping this write up will help me get it at the end. I am typing without thinking much so please bear with me😂

Bravery and serendipity. At first instance, I would say I lie somewhere in between. But do I really? I don’t consider myself as brave. Others say I carry a confident aura but I don’t always feel confident. And bravery isn’t confidence.

Bravery is having the determination to take action! It’s taking the first step towards anything, even towards what scares you the most! It is bravery that keeps you afloat and makes you soar high.

Confidence let’s you know that you can do it. Actually doing it? That takes Bravery.
It will be ‘Bravery’ if I finish this write up and post it for the world to see. I won’t do it though. Why?
I’m not brave.

Yeah, maybe I was brave in the past. I took bold steps that a young child will not usually take. I felt in control and powerful. I loved being fierce. Unfortunately, Society won. Again. Maybe.
I was misunderstood so much that I thought to myself, “hmm, maybe I shouldn’t be too brave”. That was my way of becoming understood.
Nope! Didn’t work… From Bravery to second guessing myself to concluding that a particular step was a wrong idea; that’s how I lost my fierceness.

I still have a tiny burning flame in me though. And that spark will reignite someday, I know it. Right now however,  I’m not brave enough to let that happen. Just yet.

Serendipity– the occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
What have they said?😂 Because I don’t get it.

Okay, Got it!
Making a pleasant discovery unexpectedly or while you’re in pursuit of something totally unrelated.
It is giving ‘by chance’, ‘what are the odds’ in a pleasant way.

You can only experience serendipity if you are actually in pursuit of something or exploring opportunities that bravery will make you do.
Doing nothing will not guarantee you serendipity.

That is why there is an interesting relationship between Bravery and Serendipity. Until you set out to do something, take that bold step, that action, that decision to speak up and speak out, your chances of experiencing serendipity are going to be low.
You never know what lies beyond taking that step.
There is no in between after all. So I definitely do not lie there.

That’s the lesson I have learnt at the end of this ‘thought’ process.

Dare to Be Brave❤️

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